1. 為什麼周詳團隊與醫師群皆強調定期看牙的重要性呢?
Oral problems can be treated early if they are detected early. The rate of healing relies on the prevention of oral diseases. Properly brushing your teeth every day and regular dental checkups can ensure that small problems will not become serious problems. A healthy life starts with taking good care of yourself.
2. 孩子到底幾歲開始要注意牙齒健康呢?
We believe that promoting optimal oral health begins with the tiniest of us. Even for infants who are yet to handle a toothbrush, parents can use a specially designed small-head toothbrush or soft gauze to gently clean their baby's teeth and gums. Around the age of two and a half, when deciduous teeth are fully developed, it becomes crucial to establish a routine of brushing and rinsing after meals and before bedtime. Through patient demonstrations and parental guidance, children learn that dental care is painless and essential. Regular dental check-ups should become a familiar practice, avoiding the distress of waiting for a toothache to prompt a visit. For parents seeking to minimize the risk of tooth decay, consulting a dentist for pit and fissure sealing assessment is a proactive step towards ensuring long-lasting dental health.
3. 為什麼早上起床第一件事要刷牙呢?
It's more than just keeping your breath fresh; it's about combating hidden bacteria that thrive in your mouth overnight! According to CH Dentists, during sleep, reduced oxygen and salivary enzymes create an environment where bacteria multiply. As they mature, they form dental plaque, leading to painful tooth decay and periodontal diseases. The key is regular brushing, dental floss, and moderate use of mouthwash. Address signs of decay promptly for a healthy start that lasts a lifetime!
4. 為什麼我喝冰的就牙齒痛?
In Taiwan's warm climate, indulging in icy drinks or desserts is a common way to beat the heat. However, if you experience tooth sensitivity, CH Dentists explain that it's often due to factors like excessive consumption of acidic foods and sweets, disturbing the bacterial balance in the cavity. Brushing too hard or teeth grinding can also harm tooth enamel. Improving tooth sensitivity takes time, and when an issue arises, prompt professional attention is recommended. Dentists can conduct thorough examinations, provide treatment, and guide you in developing effective tooth brushing and eating habits for lasting improvement.
5. 喜歡喝茶卻擔心黃了牙齒,不喜歡喝茶卻聽說喝茶防齲固齒,到底事實是什麼呢?
CH Dentists would like to emphasis that while the high fluoride and catechin in tea can inhibit bacteria growth, the tannic acid is a primary cause of tooth stains. Sugary tea exacerbates the harm to teeth. To enjoy tea responsibly, maintain a good habit of regular brushing and mouthwash use. Regular dental check-ups are crucial to ensure your oral health isn't compromised by dietary habits.
6. 好喜歡咖啡,卻又好擔心喝完之後一口黃牙。究竟咖啡會不會傷害牙齒呢?
CH Dentists explain that the tannic acid in coffee easily adheres to teeth, leading to the formation of coffee stains. Sugary coffee, in particular, promotes bacteria growth, accelerating enamel decay and cavity formation. Rinsing and brushing your teeth after coffee consumption isn't just for aesthetics but also essential for dental health. Professional teeth whitening can remove coffee stains, but daily protection and good habits are crucial. Regular professional teeth cleaning and check-ups provide a deeper understanding of your oral condition, contributing to long-term oral health.
7. 關於牙齒,有什麼是我可能不知道的呢?
我們平時只看到牙齒的 1/3 ,另一個 2/3 隱藏在牙齦裡
一個小小的微笑就會觸發多巴胺的釋放,從而激活我們免疫系統。當多巴胺水平升高時,血液中的自然殺傷細胞和抗體的數量也會增加。 因此擺脫牙痛重拾微笑對對我們身體的防禦和健康都至關重要
先前提到的多巴胺是身體本身的快樂物質,所以笑容實際上是很強大的,因為它可以讓身體產生最天然的良藥。 所以,請好好照顧自己的口腔,放心舒適的展現美麗帥力的笑容
最後就是,人的一生只有兩副牙齒,乳牙和恆牙。所以 一旦有了恆牙,就一定要好好照顧它們,保持口腔清潔與飲食好習慣,並定期至牙科進行檢查!